The Future Belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

                 Eleanor Roosevelt

10 Steps to Breathing our Dreams into Being

  1. What is your Dream? Name it and Claim it. Write it Down.
  2. What are the actions needed to make this dream manifest?
  3. What are potential obstacles or resistance on the path to creating your dream?
  4. What does the obstacle or resistance, how can you be in relationship to it to keep the path open and moving towards your dream?
  5. How is this dream/the energy or embodiment of this dream living in your life now.
  6. Visualize yourself living this dream. See it clearly. Feel what it feels like to be living your dream. Believe it can be. Feel it can be.
  7. Write and affirmation to support and inspire yourself on this path of dream creation.
  8. Detach from the exact outcome. Stay flexible in the exact way and time your dream comes. Be open to how the dream wants to be born in your life.
  9. Have gratitude for your dream as it begins to live with more aliveness and strength in your life.












Image by Oscarliima on DeviantArt