I give it Love

I give it Love           By Liziah Feeling the old, tender pain of not enough moving through me kinda rough It shakes and rattles and looks for battles and I give it love. It slows and softens and sighs and drips out through my eyes. I give it...

The Field of Release

The Field of Release By Liziah There is a place of letting go, a field of release to open where we’re locked inside, to soften into peace There is a space inside where we are always free an invitation from within, to come simply into being Dance with the...

Inside Ground

  Inside Ground        By Liziah The ground is strong underneath my feet the ground was built from inside me Where I would have fallen I now stand still My heart beats faster, but I know I will take a breath and be OK feel the fear as it wants to engage I hold my body...

Core Power!

Hello fellow earth travelers!           I command you, oh OK,  encourage you to strengthen the relationship with the core of your body.  The core of the body is an important area to pay attention to. When our core muscles are strong, they support our back health and...

Committed To Ahimsa

Committed to Ahimsa By Liziah (2013) In the Yoga world Ahimsa is the guiding principle of non-harming. As a long time studier of yoga and thoughts and things spiritual I know the challenge of living the message of the sage off the page. What helps us live and practice...

Letter to My Future Clients

I open my mind, heart and spirit as I sit before you. I see you; you are beautiful, broken, sad, lost, inspired, angry, joyful, twisted, misbehaving, succeeding, being hurt, hurting others, well, hopeful, hopeless, struggling, vibrant, lifeless, lonely, in love,...